Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Three Cs in Marrage,Part one.

The three Cs in marriage, the first part. 

Ephesians 5:20-5:33 
The three Cs of Marriage Three C that helps in a successful marriage. Ephesians 5:20-33 There are many different ways according to the Scripture to have a successful marriage, here are the Cs in marriage. 1.Commitment to give, to serve, to trust, confidence, etc.. 2.Conversation, an excellent to another, to communicate, talk. 3. Christ, the Messiah, the anointed one. Let's make the commitment first, in Ephesians 5: 25, The Bible says that husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her ... All we know that the foundation of a commitment to a wife, but did you know that no where in Scripture that says a woman to love their husbands? So have the men in the first place. The husband must care for his wife as Christ cared for the church, not only in the short term but long term as Christ instructed. When Jesus cared for the church, in a joint plan of existence he knew, would be for eternity.He gave Himself for her so she live.He rely on others to look out after His as did his mother Maria de la Cruz. He put his trust in the Deciples to carry out the promotion of the construction of the church to maturity. A husban should be committed to his desire for another woman, fully giveing themselves and their confidence in supporting their efforts to provide a suttiable liveing, not only for herself but her children, what is good and God acceptiable . There was a humorious history, I once heard a pastor one time, about a husband and wife that one day we were talking about how much they loved one other, the wife after his side ended the husband said: "Honey, I love you so much, I would die." and the woman looks a serious look on his face and said: "John, you've heard that twenty years ago, and Youve never had" It seems that Women today have a different perspective on what a marriage is supposed to be.So is often good to see what God says a marriage is supposed to be. If a man allowed his wife to rule the house, then it is witchcraft, and God will not be a part of that union. So men, be very careful to handle the rule of God's house as instructed by the scriptures say, if a man can not rule his own house, then how can the State House of God? Now remember a husband is not a rule or lord of the wife, but she is subject to him as Sara Lord called Abraham out of respect for him. We are not to enslave women or their abuse, so that the Scripture says, no man who hated his own flesh ...., and damage our own flesh, and the meaning husband and wife have become a body that we want to protect and nurture ourselves. Ministers today and in the time of Paul, the care of their congregations, and that attention to their own children, loveingly and patience. If a man abuses his wife, also condemns himself to be in violation of God's word. We will now have the same word and delagate that the woman or wife. Recently, a woman said, in writing, they were not invited to the love of her husband. Ephesians 5:21 says to the wives, "Wives submit yourselves you their own husbands, as unto the Lord. Let us introduce the word first, as the Hebrew and Greek translation says that, upon delivery, to produce, to obey and subordinate. As to the world, a Christian woman should be submissive to her husband and performance, not as head of the house or him. This is like the woman and God, and haveing a humbelness a fear of God or respectiful call an attitude toward the stronger of the two. The Bible says that the wife is the weaker of the two, and strength, probably due to the transgression of Eve in the garden of the will. Being an easier target for Satan and his deceptive power. A woman should not only be a lover but also your FREND husband.In my relationship with my wife, we better Frends. The good majority of the time before the marriage a man and a Frends first wife. wives, their husbands' confidence, knowing that he is committed to, has also pledged to God to fulfill the Scripture in their relationship with you. Attention to their husbands, as someone who cares for Christ in all things. Give yourself to their husbands, knowing that he is the one that has promissed not only to you but to God himself, before wittnesses, to love, honor and Cherish you. As you can see " C "or commitment that the husband also applied to women's equality. Therefore, the wives, you should trust, care Give yourself and your husband as God has directed. If you look at it again verse, it tells a woman to have her own husband, stateing no longer under anyone presentation to save him, who had been married. End of Part 1.

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